What’s up?! Do you love having adventures with your kids, cooking, homeschooling or offroad racing? Maybe you enjoy the unique, quirky and inspirational? If so, then you are in the right place!

Badash Life
Badash Life

Hi! My name is Ashley Henderson and this is my Badash Life! I am very excited to share my experiences and knowledge with you. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m wife to a hard working man and mom to two energetic boys, Seven and Steele.

My story began with a straight laced college degree in Accounting and a sweet job as a corporate executive. Looking back, I do find it somewhat comical that I was one credit shy of a Theatre degree as well. The rat race is what it is, but there was definitely more in store for me.

One thing about the Hendersons is that we always have something new going on. We started businesses, began homeschooling and started an amazing journey taking our kids racing dirtbikes all over the country! Our most recent addition was creating a hobby farm with chickens, rabbits, goats and even quail.

Please follow us on our adventures and learn many valuable things along the way. Sign up for Badash email updates at the top of your screen. Talk to you soon!!

Thanks so much! ~Ashley